Irene tells a story of family togetherness, love, passion, and laughter, but also a story of tragedy, loss and challenges beyond comprehension. She tells her story with humour and honesty, the hallmarks of who she is. When you open this book, get ready to be drawn into a tale you won’t want to put down, one that will have you turning pages well into the night, one that will stay with you for days and encourage family discussions around the dinner table. This book is a treasure of the power and strength of motherhood, the loyalty of a loving partner and the healing qualities of good friends. I loved this book and I know you will too!
Story of family togetherness, love, passion, and laughterā€¯
There is no playbook on how to manage a family member who has early onset dementia. Often the right thing to do is exactly what feels wrong as Irene Walker’s true account memoir reveals. The author shares a personal family account of her emotional journey as she watches her husband descend into a man she no longer recognizes. Forgiving the Man who Forgot is a deeply personal read that shares intimate hardships with a realistic and positive spin. This is a must read for anyone experiencing this lengthy, stressful and emotional journey.
Lengthy, stressful and emotional journeyā€¯
A heart-wrenching and poignant story, I just couldn’t put the book down. I laughed and I cried, I giggled and I sobbed along with the author. My heart broke for Irene and her family, but throughout, I couldn’t help but feel truly touched and inspired by Irene’s resilience and positivity. I know she will come through this a much stronger woman and a true inspiration for all of us. Thank you for sharing your journey Irene! I know your sun will shine again!
Heart-wrenching and poignant storyā€¯