Forgiving The Man Who Forgot: Grateful Gratitude Attitude
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This is my story. It is about a life-altering journey I took with my dear husband, who left me before he was physically gone. He became self-centered before I knew he was sick. He became tired and lazy, no longer wanting to try, before I understood why.
He left me alone when we should have been planning our life together. He puled away from our marriage before I understood why. His eyes revealed that he had become unresponsive before I could show my anger to him.
He made me have to sell our home so I could pay off his financial obligations, before I could even earn that money. He made me have to start from zero in our bank account before I could build any savings. He used all the education funds set aside for our children before they attended university or college.
He pushed me into the role of caregiver before was even ready to accept his illness. He negatively affected my career bemuse he could not be left alone, leaving me unable to work full time.
He forced me to wake up every three hours during the night over the last three years we lived together.
His mind was dying and he was unable to process day from night. This is the true deeply personal story that shares intimate hardships and how a positive outlook can get you through.
Kindle : CDN $ 15.81
Paperback : CDN $ 21.11